8 Key Elements To Get More Business

1. Your Company's Digital Image

What: Your logo – your company’s profile picture.

Why: A logo is more than simply a pretty image or icon,you most probably picked it because you like it, but keep in mind that your logo will be what people remember you by. People buy from people, and if your business is out of sight, IT IS OUT OF MIND!

How: Hire a professional to create a brand identity for you. Consider it more than simply your logo; consider it your company’s profile image. What would it look like if it was printed? As a backdrop? What’s in your email signature? On a building? You will always attract a brighter future if you start with the end in mind.

Ideally, you will also require a “brand identity guide”, speak to a designer and they will guide you through.

2.Your Website

What: A digital catalogue of what your business has to offer

Why: The very first thing everyone does to authenticate and comprehend the products/services provided by a business is to google them.

How: Use a reputable and dependable provider. There are several viewpoints on how to handle an internet presence – some hire someone they know to develop a website, while others go to great lengths to create something truly spectacular. Even if your site is simple, it will be appealing if you have a solid brand identity.

Who you use isn’t as essential as what you put in. The person who creates your website will not be able to read your mind, to help them, have an idea or the following ready beforehand:

  • Website Purpose & Goals
  • Website Design & Layout
  • Website Content

A good provider will also take into consideration the following factors:

  • Site Security
  • Site Performance & Analytics
  • SEO Optimization
  • Mobile Responsiveness
  • Access for you to upload content.

3. Brand Marketing Video

What: A brand video is the best way to go straight to the point while avoiding assumptions and misconceptions about your business – you get to tell your story.

Why: When surfing the web, the average person only pays attention to text for approximately 10 seconds, but the average person spends 90 minutes or more watching video content.

How: Maintain a personal and relevant tone, and play to your strengths: outline who you are and what you stand for (rather than who you are not or what you lack), be brief and to the point, use an expert to help you create your brand marketing video.

4. Marketing Strategy

What: Who are the prospective customers, and how do we communicate our value proposition and brand messaging to them? How can we turn these interactions into leads

Why: Marketing is not a one-time event, thus it is important to become familiar with best practices.

How: Create a marketing plan that gives each department in your organization visibility into the client journey. Then, using this strategy, establish roles and responsibilities. Put the approach into action and learn from your failures. A marketing plan/ strategy is an overview of intent that will assist & guide your marketing campaigns and your business’s strategic direction and intent.

5. Paid Digital Marketing Campaigns

What: Pay an external platform marketing company (Facebook, Google, etc.) every time someone clicks or watches an advertisement in a search result, on a website, on social media, or on any digital platform.

Why: It is the most effective form of measurable targeted marketing.

How: There are several approaches to a sponsored digital marketing campaign. Preparation, ideation, and execution are all part of the process. The trick is to accomplish something important to which your audience can connect. Engage with specialists and keep in mind that there are a few key aspects.

Who do I pay to carry out this sponsored advertising? Should you do it in-house or outsource it? What parameters do we use to measure success? How much money do we spend on advertising? What is the cost of a lead for us? Is it all worth it? Do we keep doing the same thing, or do we change to come closer to an ideal cost per lead? Is sponsored advertising beneficial to our brand? Do we use a multi-channel approach (combining organic and paid) or do we pursue another?

6. Organic Social Media & Marketing

What: Opening up a dialogue with your audience is part of using organic social media. Engagement with your audience provides a possibility for them to become fans.

Why: Customers that are fans spread the word about the company both online and offline because they feel heard and understood.

How: Put an end to selling! Engage in what is most important, and understand your audience. Organic marketing generates far fewer leads than sponsored marketing. However, you can never disregard one over the other. Building a connection is free, yet it can make or break your business.

Paid advertising can help you get the leads you need as quickly as possible. So, what is the point of Organic Marketing? Real people inspire people, and the money of connections will always be precious.

7. Multichannel Marketing Strategy

What: A combination of organic and paid marketing

Why: Organic marketing is great for engaging your audience, and you don’t need paid marketing to learn what people are saying about your business. However, you may use paid digital marketing to contact new prospective consumers based on the information provided by organic marketing.

How: Participate, learn, and respond. You will eventually engage in both organic and paid marketing. If you are undecided, hire someone to help you create a marketing plan/ strategy, which may lead to considerations concerning organic and paid marketing.

8. Your Sales Capability

What: You’re in big danger if you’re the best salesperson in your business. Most organizations’ sales capabilities are subpar.

Why: Best practices exist in the field of sales within a organization. Most businesses do not employ these techniques because they lack the capacity to manage sales or do not feed the pipeline on a regular basis. Dismissing prospective new clients because you already have “enough” existing customers indicates a lack of green field hunting. Looking for possibilities and acting on them are two very different things. Do you prefer to have alternatives or to take on business because you are desperate? Obviously, you’d like to be able to choose your clients and perhaps take on as many as possible. Having a strong sales pipeline is similar to having insurance; without it, you risk being caught with your trousers down.

How: Start with the fundamentals of sales management if you understand it. Prospect for leads, engage, propose, and close. Implement sales channel processes and procedures that are part of your sales strategy. Each division has its own methods. Human Resources, Finance, Administration, and Maintenance, to name a few. All of these departments are held accountable for adhering to protocol. Your sales should be no different. If you don’t have a salesperson.This will assist you in defining the blueprint and keeping your sales funnel full. Managing B2B salespeople is a distinct science that demands the inclusion of specialized systems into a design that conforms to the foundations of B2B salesperson management. Once you’ve done this, you’ll never have a sales problem again. The key is whether or not you are willing to put in the time and effort.

If you require assistance in any of these eight areas, see how S2B Group can assist you in designing, planning, tracking, optimizing, and implementing these best practices.